Acid test: scientists show how LSD opens doors of perception | Science | The Guardian

Source: Acid test: scientists show how LSD opens doors of perception | Science | The Guardian The findings presented in this article pretty much align with my own experience during a clinical trial at Psychiatric University Hospital, Basel that I got to participate in in 2019. Doseage was 25 µg in each of two sessions …

Breakthrough psilocybin study uncovers neurochemical origins of human ego

New research asks, how does psilocybin create a feeling of ego dissolution, and what chemicals in the brain create our subjective sense of self? Source: Breakthrough psilocybin study uncovers neurochemical origins of human ego Here's a very interesting article on the findings of very recent research into the phenomenon called 'ego dissolution' or 'ego disintegration' …

Rick Doblin: The future of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy | TED Talk

I found out about in 2014 and their - then phase 2 - trials addressing the many challenges that patients suffering from (complex) post-traumatic stress disorder are confronted with day in, day out on account of the condition. As Rick Doblin, founder of, reiterates in this brief TED presentation, as many as 20 …

Does DMT Model the Near-Death Experience? | Psychology Today

Despite parallels, there are profound differences between DMT and NDEs. Source: Does DMT Model the Near-Death Experience? | Psychology Today A recent study conducted by Timmermann et al., 2018 found striking similarities in phenomenology and feature expression between psychedelic experiences on DMT and (real?) near death experiences (sans any firmly known facilitating substance, internally produced DMT …

Watch: This Is What Happens To Your Brain When You Drink Ayahuasca –

Watch: This Is What Happens To Your Brain When You Drink Ayahuasca - Eversince I had started to immerse myself in the research and potential options for help regarding (C-) PTSD, I had become increasingly convinced that the old beaten-up path of "cognitive reframing" was an ill-conceived concept to say the least. Where reflexes …

Treating PTSD with MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy – News

I found this fairly comprehensive list of articles on the status of all things MDMA-/psychedelics-assisted therapy with particular regard to treating PTSD. In my quest for further healing, I am going to try and apply for participation in such a study if at all possible for non-residents. It's a kind of "last chance"-scenario I'm placing my …

How Psychedelics Saved My Life «

Amber Lyon, renowned and multiple awards winning investigative journalist/reporter shares her story about what made her reconsider her career path and put her on a different trajector following traumatic experiences in her former work and having developed symptoms of PSTD from it. How Psychedelics Saved My Life «