Viewing Depression as a Consciousness Disorder, A Radical New Approach | Big Think

Source: The case for viewing depression as a consciousness disorder - Big Think This approach sounds about right to my ears and from my experience and personal research into the matter. In fact, I've been convinced since my own two minor clinical trial sessions involving the use of LSD in 2020 that only psychedelics help to …

Study: Ayahuasca May Heal Trauma Through the DNA

I find these to be very interesting results of recent studies that looked at altered gene expression in patients with PTSD before and after having participated in Ayahuasca ceremonies. I have been strongly convinced for quite some time now that conventional modalities treating (my) lingering symptoms of PTSD are not going to be of much …

Largest Ever Psychedelics Study Maps Changes of Conscious Awareness to Neurotransmitter Systems | Neuroscience News

Source: Largest Ever Psychedelics Study Maps Changes of Conscious Awareness to Neurotransmitter Systems - Neuroscience News This sounds very promising: They used A.I. to map the terms used to describe the quality of experiences on mind altering drugs to specific receptors in the brain and this in order to find out, what the specific and …

Psychedelic Drug Psilocybin “Magic Mushrooms” Spurs Growth of Neural Connections Lost in Depression | SciTech Daily

Source: Psychedelic Drug Psilocybin “Magic Mushrooms” Spurs Growth of Neural Connections Lost in Depression I've been hearing and reading about the therapeutic benefits of the active agents in Psilocybin for years on end, numerous studies from clinical trials have been initiated and the results come in, in strong support of what the article says as …

UNC researcher wants to remove hallucinations from psychedelics | Raleigh News & Observer

Source: UNC researcher wants to remove hallucinations from psychedelics | Raleigh News & Observer Is it an oxymoron — a psychedelic drug without the trip? “Basically,” Roth said in an interview with The News & Observer. Above linked article/interview reports on the work of Dr. Bryan Roth at UNC, who built his "dream team" of …

Can ketamine-assisted therapy break through mental health roadblocks? | Popular Science

Sounds plausible to my ears: Can ketamine-assisted therapy break through mental health roadblocks? | Popular Science In comparing this experience with my own around this time last year and as screening and preliminary sessions for two sessions with a rather minor dose of LSD at UPK Basel commenced I will say that I had ruled …

Do Psychedelics Just Provide Comforting Delusions? |

Shayla Love champions the approach of marrying psychedelic therapy with philosophy in so far as the ethical implications resulting from psychedelic experiences with their often life long lasting effects aren't addressed anywhere so far. Moreover, the experiences under the influence of psychoactive agents is being considered to 'cause' the outcomes that 'psychonauts' often report from …

Ethnographic Accounts of Ketamine Explorations in Psychedelic Culture, here: Kenneth Ring’s Frightening Ketamine Experience

Whoa! I think I am at liberty of giving myself permission to have incurred long lasting post-traumatic outcomes from my own "NDE–like" experience at age four in the context of surgery and when getting anesthesized with either truly Ketamine or a very similar anesthetic being used at the time (ca. 1970). As I have repeatedly …

Difference in Action of Ketamine vs. Other Psychedelics? | Psychology Today (Annie Lennon)

And why this differences is important in considering use cases. Source: How Does Ketamine Work Differently from Other Psychedelics? | Psychology Today Here's an article by Annie Lennon, co-authored by MD Dr. Jeffrey Becker, explaining how ketamine works very different in the brain when compared to other psychedelics like e.g. LSD, DMT or Psilocybin (the …