10 Signs You Have a Lone Wolf Personality (Not Just an Introvert) – New Trader U

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In the vast spectrum of personality types, a unique breed of individuals is known as lone wolves. Often mistaken for mere introverts, lone wolves possess

Source: 10 Signs You Have a Lone Wolf Personality (Not Just an Introvert) – New Trader U

I am going to have to admit to myself: That’s me to a T. Couldn’t have summarized it better or characterized my own psyche more accurately from what I see in this list. Particularly finding it more and more difficult to communicate effectively based on the experienced observation and fact that often my own mental representation of a situation, a person, any kind of worldly concept differs in not-so-minor ways from what others formulated as their mental representation of their inner as well as outer world, given this observation it has become extremely challenging for me to even be understood or even just: heard. 🙁

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