I might be on to something: Distressing Near-Death Experiences

Distressing Near-Death Experiences. Somehow by way of reading one of my usual sources on the web, I arrived here. I seem to keep coming back to this topic - NDEs - with the proverbial and ambiguous fascination that might be expressed in the saying "You can't look and you can't look away either", when eye-witnesses …

My Father

I just think this is beautiful and take the liberty of reblogging it for no other reason than its inherent beauty, compassion, sensitivity, emotional bond. I don’t think, I have ever felt anything alike as the author describes her relationship with her late father in this wonderful blog post. It makes me wish I had know this person in real life myself.

A Cosmic Ride


Kevin Ellis George

23/03/23  –  09/01/14


My father has left this ‘vale of tears’ – taken the light of his wisdom, his laughter, his intelligence and his love – to another realm.  In that place, I know his light will continue to shine and expand and his soul will reflect on the learning of his 90 years, the insights he gained, his vast achievements, his good fortune, and perhaps, his regrets. And  then, in time, he will decide to return. He will choose to reconnect with those us who have been traveling through lifetimes with him – and we will live and love together again.   But for now, in this world there is an aching hole, where memories, words, images, a lifetime of them, slip in and out – insubstantial, ethereal, elusive, now the flesh and blood man who created them has departed.  And yet they are not. They

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